Bylaws of Chicago Chapter NATS
Revised, approved and effective August, 2021.
Note: A Calendar Year shall be defined as January 1 to December 31. A Program Year shall be defined as September 1 to August 31.
Article I Chapter Name and Location
This organization shall be known as The Chicago Chapter of the National Association of
Teachers of Singing, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Chicago Chapter NATS” or "the Chapter."
The place in this state where the principal office of Chicago Chapter NATS is to be located is the
City of Chicago, or any town or village selected by the Board within the Chicago Metropolitan
Article II Objectives and Code of Ethics
The Chapter adopts fully the stated purposes of the National Association of Teachers of Singing,
Inc. (“NATS,” “the “National organization” or “the Association”), as follows: the Association is
organized to benefit the public good and generally enrich the public through: (i) encouragement
of Members to achieve the highest standards in their teaching of singing; (ii) promotion of vocal
education and research at all levels, both for the enrichment of the general public and for the
professional advancement of the talented; (iii) requiring Members’ adherence to stated ethical
principles in the teaching of the vocal arts; and (iv) organizing and affiliating its Members to
provide nationwide accessibility to qualified teachers for all students of singing.
The Chapter adopts fully the Code of Ethics as outlined by the National Association of Teachers
of Singing.
Rules and regulations of any accredited academic institution take precedence over the NATS
Code of Ethics, should there be a conflict applicable to a Member of the Chapter.
The Board of Chicago NATS retains the right to initiate an ethics complaint against a Member.
Any ethics complaints will follow the process outlined by the National organization. Should an
ethics complaint process result in dismissal from NATS, the Member will immediately be
dismissed from the Chapter.
Article III Membership and Dues
Membership in the Chapter is contingent upon active membership in the National organization
and payment of Chapter dues. It is the sole responsibility of the Chapter member to keep
membership in the National organization of NATS current. Chapter membership ceases when the
Member resigns or is dropped from membership in the National organization of NATS,
regardless of payment of Chapter dues.
Membership dues for the Chapter shall be as set by the Chapter’s Board and are due before the
end of the Calendar Year in which the membership expires. The National organization handles
payment of both National and Chapter dues, including deadlines, part-year prorated dues,
reinstatement of lapsed membership, and the like.
In order for Members to be eligible to enter students in the Chapter’s Student Auditions, all
Chapter membership renewals and new membership dues must be paid before Audition
registration can occur.
Article IV Board
General Powers and Duties of the Board:
The Board of the Chapter (“the Board”) derives its power from the Chapter, and shall have full
authority to act for the Chapter, within the limitations defined by these By-Laws. The Board at
its own discretion may study, formulate, or alter policies deemed necessary or expedient for the
welfare of the Chapter.
The Board shall consist of twelve voting members who are Members in good standing of the
Chapter, plus the immediate Past President. The Past President shall serve on the Board exofficio
for one additional year, in an advisory position only, and does not have voting privileges
or count toward a Board quorum. A Board quorum shall consist of six regular Board members.
The Board is made up of Chapter officers consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer, plus eight additional members. In addition, non-voting Junior Board members
may be elected, as recommended annually by the President.
The officers may set budgets and other goals for the coming year and present them to the Board
for approval. Officers and other Board members may meet as often as needed to plan and
accomplish the outlined goals.
There shall be a minimum of three full Board meetings per Program Year, typically in late
summer, early winter and late spring. A Calendar Year shall be defined as January 1 to
December 31, and a Program Year shall be defined as August 1 to July 31.
Board meetings are open to the general membership with a prior request, due to space
Board members
• Shall be available to serve as an officer if the need arises;
• Shall be available to serve on the Executive Board as a Director of a subject area, or as
Supporting Board member in support of one or more subject area Directors;
• Shall act as a representative of Chicago Chapter NATS and the Board in professional
relationships throughout Chicago and the broader NATS community;
• Shall be expected to attend all called meetings either in person or electronically, and to
report on their respective responsibilities.
Two absences from a regular full Board meeting during a Program Year may result in dismissal
from the Board. After two absences have occurred, it is the President’s prerogative to
recommend that member’s dismissal to the Board. In such cases, or in the event of a resignation
of a Board member, the President shall nominate and the Board shall elect at any time by simple
majority a current Chapter Member in good standing to fill the Board member’s unexpired term.
In the event of a dismissal or resignation of a Board officer, the President shall nominate and the
Board shall elect at any time by simple majority a current member of the Board to fill the Board
officer’s unexpired term.
Terms and Term Limits of the Board:
Four Members in good standing of the Chapter shall be elected to the Board each Program Year
for a three-year term, as described below. However, if a vacancy exists because of an
uncompleted three-year term, it shall be filled as described above.
Board members shall serve on the Board for no longer than two consecutive three-year terms;
i.e.: a limit of six consecutive years, except due to extension by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
Eligibility for Board membership can resume after one year’s hiatus from the Board.
Junior Board Members:
While not regular or voting members of the Board, some Chapter Members may be elected
Junior Board members for one-year terms upon the recommendation of the President. Junior
Board members attend meetings and learn how the Board functions, in preparation for future
service as a regular Board member. Junior Board member status does not count toward the six year
limit on Board membership.
The Officers of the Chapter shall consist of:
• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
Officers are elected to their positions from current members of the Board at the beginning of the
Program Year as necessary. All terms of officers are two-year terms. Regardless of term limits,
Program Years or the timing of meetings, all officers serve on a de facto basis until their
successors are elected.
Duties of Officers:
The President:
• Shall preside at meetings of the officers and Board and at general meetings of the Chapter;
• Shall ensure that the By-Laws are enforced;
• Is responsible for scheduling all meetings;
• Shall appoint an Executive Board annually, typically consisting of Directors of
Auditions, Communications, Membership and Workshops;
• Shall recommend the election of Junior Board members for one-year terms at her/his
• Is responsible for following up with Board members on their assigned responsibilities;
• Shall be empowered to appoint any and all committee chairs;
• Is an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee;
• Shall annually appoint a Nominating Committee Chair from the Board;
• Shall act as liaison between the Chapter and the larger NATS community at the state,
regional and National levels;
• Shall file all required annual reports.
The Vice-President:
• Is also President-Elect, learning the job of President in a hands-on capacity;
• Shall perform any duties of the President in the absence of the President, including the
calling of necessary Chapter meetings;
• Shall help the president in any additional work or projects.
The Secretary:
• Shall maintain the master list of current and past Members, in coordination with the
Membership Director and the National organization;
• Shall assist in disseminating all information to the Membership as deemed necessary
along with the Director of Communications and the Board;
• Shall produce and maintain minutes of all full Board meetings;
• Shall assist with the upkeep of the website and all social media accounts.
The Treasurer:
• Shall present a report of the financial status at each Board meeting;
• Shall handle the accounts of the Chapter in coordination with the President;
• Shall maintain financial records and budgets;
• Shall pay all bills, award all prize money, etc.;
• Shall assist the President in filing annual reports with NATS offices.
Elections of Board Members:
The President shall annually (in the spring) appoint a Nominating Committee Chair from the
Board who, in turn, shall choose at least two other Nominating Committee members. The other
Committee members do not need to be members of the Board. All Committee members shall be
current Members of the Chapter in good standing.
The Nominating Committee will consult with the President and current Board members
regarding the end of service of members in their sixth year, the possible extension of
membership into a seventh or eighth year (as described above), and the nomination of third-year
members for their second three-year term. The President and the Nominating Committee Chair
shall agree as to the total number of vacancies needing to be filled by returning and new Board
It is the duty of the Nominating Committee to prepare a list of potential candidates to fill
upcoming vacancies on the Board. The Nominating Committee should agree on the list of
nominees before said nominees are approached, and shall outline the duties of Board
membership to the nominees. If there are any terms of less than three years to be filled (due to a
Board member having previously had their term extended (as described above), the Nominating
Committee shall discuss this with potential candidates, and recommend which candidates should
fill which terms.
After nominees agree to serve if elected, the Committee shall report its nominees to the President
and the Board in time for the slate to be included in the agenda for the final meeting of the
Program Year.
Nominations of potential Board members other than those presented by the Nominating
Committee may be added to the election list by petition of ten Chapter Members in good standing.
As mentioned above, the term of Board membership may be extended by a 2/3 majority of the
Board. This is typically done in cases where the second year of an officer’s term would result in
that Board member’s seventh year on the Board. Otherwise, Board terms shall be structured so
that four members are elected each year. Board members therefore shall be elected in late spring
to a three, two or one-year term by majority vote of the existing (outgoing) Board.
The President or President-Elect shall convene the first Board meeting of the Program Year, in
late summer, at which time all vacant offices shall be filled for two-year terms from the
membership of the Board by majority vote of the Board. A slate of officers can be elected
together if desired.
Article V Quorum
A quorum at any regular meeting or called meeting of the entire Chapter membership shall
consist of 20 percent of the Members in good standing, as listed for the Chapter by the National
Article VI By-Laws Revision Procedures
Whenever changes in the By-Laws are deemed necessary, the President, with the approval of a
simple majority of the Board, shall appoint a Chapter By-Laws Committee consisting of three
Members. This Committee shall see that all Chapter By-Laws conform to the Constitution and
By-laws of the National organization. Proposed changes shall be presented to the Board for its
approval, and subsequently to the membership for approval, both by 2/3 vote.
Article VII Financial Controls and Audits
The President and the Treasurer (and other Board members at the express direction of the
President) shall be signatories and users of all bank accounts, payment applications and
electronic financial records, in cooperation with and up-to-date with the rules and procedures of
any involved financial institutions. The Secretary is required to produce, maintain and supply to
financial institutions minutes of Board meetings in which the President and Treasurer were
elected. All Board members are expected to exercise the utmost caution and care regarding
passwords, data access, budgeting, responsible spending, handling of receipts, etc., including
termination of responsibilities during transitions as departing Board members.
At any time, the President with the approval of a simple majority of the Board may appoint an
outside auditor to audit the financial records of the Treasurer. The auditor shall report the
subsequent findings to the Board.
Article VIII Miscellaneous Provisions
The Chicago Chapter is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, education, and scientific
purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organization that qualify as
an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the
corresponding of any future federal tax code. The Chapter has an EIN number.
No part of the net earnings of the Chicago Chapter shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable
to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the Chicago Chapter shall
be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make
payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these By-Laws. No
substantial part of the activities of the Chicago Chapter shall be the carrying on of propaganda,
or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the Chicago Chapter shall not participate in,
or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on
behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision
of these By-Laws, the Chicago Chapter shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be
carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a
corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal
Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the Chicago Chapter, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt
purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the
corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal
government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so
disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of Cook County, Illinois,
exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall
determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Revised, approved and effective August, 2021.
Note: A Calendar Year shall be defined as January 1 to December 31. A Program Year shall be defined as September 1 to August 31.
Article I Chapter Name and Location
This organization shall be known as The Chicago Chapter of the National Association of
Teachers of Singing, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Chicago Chapter NATS” or "the Chapter."
The place in this state where the principal office of Chicago Chapter NATS is to be located is the
City of Chicago, or any town or village selected by the Board within the Chicago Metropolitan
Article II Objectives and Code of Ethics
The Chapter adopts fully the stated purposes of the National Association of Teachers of Singing,
Inc. (“NATS,” “the “National organization” or “the Association”), as follows: the Association is
organized to benefit the public good and generally enrich the public through: (i) encouragement
of Members to achieve the highest standards in their teaching of singing; (ii) promotion of vocal
education and research at all levels, both for the enrichment of the general public and for the
professional advancement of the talented; (iii) requiring Members’ adherence to stated ethical
principles in the teaching of the vocal arts; and (iv) organizing and affiliating its Members to
provide nationwide accessibility to qualified teachers for all students of singing.
The Chapter adopts fully the Code of Ethics as outlined by the National Association of Teachers
of Singing.
Rules and regulations of any accredited academic institution take precedence over the NATS
Code of Ethics, should there be a conflict applicable to a Member of the Chapter.
The Board of Chicago NATS retains the right to initiate an ethics complaint against a Member.
Any ethics complaints will follow the process outlined by the National organization. Should an
ethics complaint process result in dismissal from NATS, the Member will immediately be
dismissed from the Chapter.
Article III Membership and Dues
Membership in the Chapter is contingent upon active membership in the National organization
and payment of Chapter dues. It is the sole responsibility of the Chapter member to keep
membership in the National organization of NATS current. Chapter membership ceases when the
Member resigns or is dropped from membership in the National organization of NATS,
regardless of payment of Chapter dues.
Membership dues for the Chapter shall be as set by the Chapter’s Board and are due before the
end of the Calendar Year in which the membership expires. The National organization handles
payment of both National and Chapter dues, including deadlines, part-year prorated dues,
reinstatement of lapsed membership, and the like.
In order for Members to be eligible to enter students in the Chapter’s Student Auditions, all
Chapter membership renewals and new membership dues must be paid before Audition
registration can occur.
Article IV Board
General Powers and Duties of the Board:
The Board of the Chapter (“the Board”) derives its power from the Chapter, and shall have full
authority to act for the Chapter, within the limitations defined by these By-Laws. The Board at
its own discretion may study, formulate, or alter policies deemed necessary or expedient for the
welfare of the Chapter.
The Board shall consist of twelve voting members who are Members in good standing of the
Chapter, plus the immediate Past President. The Past President shall serve on the Board exofficio
for one additional year, in an advisory position only, and does not have voting privileges
or count toward a Board quorum. A Board quorum shall consist of six regular Board members.
The Board is made up of Chapter officers consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer, plus eight additional members. In addition, non-voting Junior Board members
may be elected, as recommended annually by the President.
The officers may set budgets and other goals for the coming year and present them to the Board
for approval. Officers and other Board members may meet as often as needed to plan and
accomplish the outlined goals.
There shall be a minimum of three full Board meetings per Program Year, typically in late
summer, early winter and late spring. A Calendar Year shall be defined as January 1 to
December 31, and a Program Year shall be defined as August 1 to July 31.
Board meetings are open to the general membership with a prior request, due to space
Board members
• Shall be available to serve as an officer if the need arises;
• Shall be available to serve on the Executive Board as a Director of a subject area, or as
Supporting Board member in support of one or more subject area Directors;
• Shall act as a representative of Chicago Chapter NATS and the Board in professional
relationships throughout Chicago and the broader NATS community;
• Shall be expected to attend all called meetings either in person or electronically, and to
report on their respective responsibilities.
Two absences from a regular full Board meeting during a Program Year may result in dismissal
from the Board. After two absences have occurred, it is the President’s prerogative to
recommend that member’s dismissal to the Board. In such cases, or in the event of a resignation
of a Board member, the President shall nominate and the Board shall elect at any time by simple
majority a current Chapter Member in good standing to fill the Board member’s unexpired term.
In the event of a dismissal or resignation of a Board officer, the President shall nominate and the
Board shall elect at any time by simple majority a current member of the Board to fill the Board
officer’s unexpired term.
Terms and Term Limits of the Board:
Four Members in good standing of the Chapter shall be elected to the Board each Program Year
for a three-year term, as described below. However, if a vacancy exists because of an
uncompleted three-year term, it shall be filled as described above.
Board members shall serve on the Board for no longer than two consecutive three-year terms;
i.e.: a limit of six consecutive years, except due to extension by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
Eligibility for Board membership can resume after one year’s hiatus from the Board.
Junior Board Members:
While not regular or voting members of the Board, some Chapter Members may be elected
Junior Board members for one-year terms upon the recommendation of the President. Junior
Board members attend meetings and learn how the Board functions, in preparation for future
service as a regular Board member. Junior Board member status does not count toward the six year
limit on Board membership.
The Officers of the Chapter shall consist of:
• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
Officers are elected to their positions from current members of the Board at the beginning of the
Program Year as necessary. All terms of officers are two-year terms. Regardless of term limits,
Program Years or the timing of meetings, all officers serve on a de facto basis until their
successors are elected.
Duties of Officers:
The President:
• Shall preside at meetings of the officers and Board and at general meetings of the Chapter;
• Shall ensure that the By-Laws are enforced;
• Is responsible for scheduling all meetings;
• Shall appoint an Executive Board annually, typically consisting of Directors of
Auditions, Communications, Membership and Workshops;
• Shall recommend the election of Junior Board members for one-year terms at her/his
• Is responsible for following up with Board members on their assigned responsibilities;
• Shall be empowered to appoint any and all committee chairs;
• Is an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee;
• Shall annually appoint a Nominating Committee Chair from the Board;
• Shall act as liaison between the Chapter and the larger NATS community at the state,
regional and National levels;
• Shall file all required annual reports.
The Vice-President:
• Is also President-Elect, learning the job of President in a hands-on capacity;
• Shall perform any duties of the President in the absence of the President, including the
calling of necessary Chapter meetings;
• Shall help the president in any additional work or projects.
The Secretary:
• Shall maintain the master list of current and past Members, in coordination with the
Membership Director and the National organization;
• Shall assist in disseminating all information to the Membership as deemed necessary
along with the Director of Communications and the Board;
• Shall produce and maintain minutes of all full Board meetings;
• Shall assist with the upkeep of the website and all social media accounts.
The Treasurer:
• Shall present a report of the financial status at each Board meeting;
• Shall handle the accounts of the Chapter in coordination with the President;
• Shall maintain financial records and budgets;
• Shall pay all bills, award all prize money, etc.;
• Shall assist the President in filing annual reports with NATS offices.
Elections of Board Members:
The President shall annually (in the spring) appoint a Nominating Committee Chair from the
Board who, in turn, shall choose at least two other Nominating Committee members. The other
Committee members do not need to be members of the Board. All Committee members shall be
current Members of the Chapter in good standing.
The Nominating Committee will consult with the President and current Board members
regarding the end of service of members in their sixth year, the possible extension of
membership into a seventh or eighth year (as described above), and the nomination of third-year
members for their second three-year term. The President and the Nominating Committee Chair
shall agree as to the total number of vacancies needing to be filled by returning and new Board
It is the duty of the Nominating Committee to prepare a list of potential candidates to fill
upcoming vacancies on the Board. The Nominating Committee should agree on the list of
nominees before said nominees are approached, and shall outline the duties of Board
membership to the nominees. If there are any terms of less than three years to be filled (due to a
Board member having previously had their term extended (as described above), the Nominating
Committee shall discuss this with potential candidates, and recommend which candidates should
fill which terms.
After nominees agree to serve if elected, the Committee shall report its nominees to the President
and the Board in time for the slate to be included in the agenda for the final meeting of the
Program Year.
Nominations of potential Board members other than those presented by the Nominating
Committee may be added to the election list by petition of ten Chapter Members in good standing.
As mentioned above, the term of Board membership may be extended by a 2/3 majority of the
Board. This is typically done in cases where the second year of an officer’s term would result in
that Board member’s seventh year on the Board. Otherwise, Board terms shall be structured so
that four members are elected each year. Board members therefore shall be elected in late spring
to a three, two or one-year term by majority vote of the existing (outgoing) Board.
The President or President-Elect shall convene the first Board meeting of the Program Year, in
late summer, at which time all vacant offices shall be filled for two-year terms from the
membership of the Board by majority vote of the Board. A slate of officers can be elected
together if desired.
Article V Quorum
A quorum at any regular meeting or called meeting of the entire Chapter membership shall
consist of 20 percent of the Members in good standing, as listed for the Chapter by the National
Article VI By-Laws Revision Procedures
Whenever changes in the By-Laws are deemed necessary, the President, with the approval of a
simple majority of the Board, shall appoint a Chapter By-Laws Committee consisting of three
Members. This Committee shall see that all Chapter By-Laws conform to the Constitution and
By-laws of the National organization. Proposed changes shall be presented to the Board for its
approval, and subsequently to the membership for approval, both by 2/3 vote.
Article VII Financial Controls and Audits
The President and the Treasurer (and other Board members at the express direction of the
President) shall be signatories and users of all bank accounts, payment applications and
electronic financial records, in cooperation with and up-to-date with the rules and procedures of
any involved financial institutions. The Secretary is required to produce, maintain and supply to
financial institutions minutes of Board meetings in which the President and Treasurer were
elected. All Board members are expected to exercise the utmost caution and care regarding
passwords, data access, budgeting, responsible spending, handling of receipts, etc., including
termination of responsibilities during transitions as departing Board members.
At any time, the President with the approval of a simple majority of the Board may appoint an
outside auditor to audit the financial records of the Treasurer. The auditor shall report the
subsequent findings to the Board.
Article VIII Miscellaneous Provisions
The Chicago Chapter is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, education, and scientific
purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organization that qualify as
an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the
corresponding of any future federal tax code. The Chapter has an EIN number.
No part of the net earnings of the Chicago Chapter shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable
to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the Chicago Chapter shall
be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make
payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these By-Laws. No
substantial part of the activities of the Chicago Chapter shall be the carrying on of propaganda,
or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the Chicago Chapter shall not participate in,
or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on
behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision
of these By-Laws, the Chicago Chapter shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be
carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a
corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal
Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the Chicago Chapter, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt
purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the
corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal
government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so
disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of Cook County, Illinois,
exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall
determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.